Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Colors Within First Draft

Complete first draft for Variety.

Of all of the phrases that could begin a lighthearted animated film, the opening of an invocation popularized by Alcoholics Anonymous is surely among the least likely. But “The Colors Within,” which opens with the Serenity Prayer and its plea for God to grant “the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,” is no ordinary animated film. It is directed by Naoko Yamada, whose work in anime series (“K-On!”) and films (“A Silent Voice,” “Liz and the Blue Bird”) has established her as one of the medium's most distinctive current voices. Fitting snugly into her oeuvre's focus on youthful hopes and desires, the film follows a trio of teenagers as they form an ad hoc rock band, delving into their personal lives with a refreshingly low-key and compassionate touch. The Serenity Prayer in question is made by Totsuko (Sayu Suzukawa), a student at an all-girls Catholic high school in Japan. Since her youth, she has possessed a unique form of synesthesia where she frequently perceives people as emitting a certain color, visually conveyed by Yamada in a style resembling watercolor painting. One day, she notices the particularly vibrant blue of her classmate Kimi (Akari Takaishi), who suddenly drops out of school. When they reconnect at the used bookstore Kimi works at, they meet Rui (Taisei Kido), a young man interested in music whose vivid green hue causes Totsuko to impulsively form a band with her newfound companions. Even though Kimi is a self-professed beginner guitarist and Totsuko barely knows how to play piano, the trio regularly convene in an abandoned church on the island where Rui lives, having amassed an impressive collection of musical equipment to augment his impressive theremin playing. These practice sessions intermingle with family problems: Kimi has not yet told her grandmother that she has dropped out of school, while Rui's mother want him to continue in the family medical practice. In another film, even one by this director, these narrative beats would take up a considerable amount of oxygen. Yamada, who began as an animator for Kyoto Animation, might be best known stateside for her 2016 feature “A Silent Voice,“ which dealt with the story of a young man's attempts to reckon with and atone for his past as a bully with an abundance of anguish and emotional turmoil, spilling over into its ensemble cast of similarly tormented teenage misfits. Even 2018's “Liz and the Blue Bird,” her most beautiful film thus far, operated with a quiet intensity that informed the depth of feeling present within its central, ambiguous relationship/infatuation. “The Colors Within” is Yamada's first feature film for Science SARU, the anime studio known for the films of Masaaki Yuasa (“Inu-Oh,” “The Night Is Short, Walk On Girl”) and its contributions to “Scott Pilgrim Takes Off.” While there are certain differences in animation style from Yamada's KyoAni days— softer edges, paler colors — perhaps the most significant difference comes in her general approach to tone and character. The tumult of her past work is replaced with something more sanguine, a tendency epitomized by the consistent use of Totsuko as the viewpoint character. Though it'd be inaccurate to say that she lacks development, her shifts in personality and self-understanding are much less external than those of her friends, and part of the balancing act of “The Colors Within” lies in its adherence to Totsuko's perspective even as the concerns of others takes center stage. This perhaps comes through most clearly in the film's surprisingly considerate treatment of religion, especially in a scholastic environment. The vast majority of Catholic school clichés are absent, and Totsuko is frequently counseled by Sister Hiyoshiko (Yui Aragaki), a sympathetic teacher whose presence highlights the generative, rather than stereotypically repressive, atmosphere of the school. Her own, peripheral quest for serenity mirrors that of Totsuko's, and by extension Kimi and Rui's, and though “The Colors Within” doesn't aim for the psychological depth of Yamada's past work — notably, the nature of Totsuko's fascination with/attraction to Kimi in particular recedes as the film goes along — its alignment with its characters' emotional currents is cemented by some of Yamada's flourishes: frequent close-ups that draw attention to the expressivity of the characters' bodies, a slightly bouncing "camera" that moves in and out of focus as if the image is pulsing with life, cutaways in the middle of a conversation to end a scene on an unexpected note. All of these little touches coalesce in an extraordinary, uninterrupted 10-minute concert, where “The Colors Within” makes clear that musical proficiency was never the main goal, especially Totsuko. While the three songs performed are catchy and moving in their own ways, and Kimi's lead vocals are especially heartfelt, more remarkable is the pure embodiment of each character's relationship to the music and to one another, a melding of spirits that still retain their individual temperaments. The film ends with an unexpected yet perfect acknowledgement of all of the emotions present in their interactions, registering as an open door with a bright future in plain sight.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Don Hertzfeldt

  1. World of Tomorrow (2015)
  2. It's Such a Beautiful Day (2012)
  3. The Meaning of Life (2005)
  4. Rejected (2000)
  5. World of Tomorrow Episode Two: The Burden of Other People’s Thoughts (2017)
  6. Wisdom Teeth (2010)
  7. Lily and Jim (1997)
  8. Billy's Balloon (1998)
  1. World of Tomorrow (2015)
  2. The Meaning of Life (2005)
  3. Rejected (2000)
  4. World of Tomorrow Episode Two: The Burden of Other People’s Thoughts (2017)
  5. Wisdom Teeth (2010)
  6. Lily and Jim (1997)
  7. Billy's Balloon (1998)

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

John Smith

  1. Being John Smith (2024)
  2. Associations (1975)
  1. Being John Smith (2024)
  2. Associations (1975)

Bill Morrison

  1. Incident (2023)
  2. Dawson City: Frozen Time (2016)
  3. The Unchanging Sea (2018)
  1. Dawson City: Frozen Time (2016)

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Murderess First Draft

Complete first draft for Variety.

There is some intrigue in a film whose sole purpose is to embody an endemic sense of isolation. Such is the case with Murderess, Greece's submission for the Best International Film category and the third adaptation of Alexandros Papadiamantis's acclaimed novella of the same name, which follows the slow psychological unraveling of an elderly midwife as she contends with the ever-worsening patriarchal society she aides. Though director Eva Nathena and writer Katerina Bei attempt to trace out their protagonist's state of mind, it is frequently lost in a muddled approach to blending cold reality with feverish flashbacks and fantasy. Murderess begins not with any of its named characters, but instead a group of girls dancing in a circle, singing a song wishing that there were only boys in their midst. Following an epigraph by Greek poet Odysseas Elytis concerning the inevitability of the past asserting itself in the present, Hadoula (Karyofyllia Karabeti) is introduced as she is so often seen in the film: walking briskly amid rocky terrain to aid a woman in the throes of childbirth. The baby, to the chagrin of the whole room, is a girl, the latest in a seemingly unbroken streak of female births on the island of Skiathos in the Aegean Sea. Though Murderess takes place sometime in the early 20th century, its appearance and characters' sensibilities seem to belong to a far earlier period. Boys, almost wholly unseen during the course of the film, are prized to an even greater extent than the average society, and women routinely attempt to use herbs and other treatments prescribed by Hadoula to ensure that they will have a son. None of these efforts seem to come to anything, and the requisite pause of anticipation and subsequent depressive or angry reaction informs the bulk of the character dynamics at play here. For her own part, Hadoula has three daughters and two sons; the latter have moved away from the village and do not appear, while the former stay and assist their mother, the eldest being a literal spinster. In addition to her tiring routine of delivering disappointment, Hadoula also has to contend with her own troubles in the form of her mother's apparition (Maria Protoppapa). First appearing as a silent watcher whose gaze pierces Hadoula as she gives her first patient the bad news, her mother quickly becomes a recurring presence, both in the present as a hissing, taunting reminder of Hadoula's inability to better the status of her fellow village women and in flashbacks, where young Hadoula (Georgianna Dalara) is pitilessly trained to follow in her mother's footsteps and assume the role of town midwife. These threads gradually grow in intensity until Hadoula reaches a breaking point, and a series of increasingly implausible events ensue. Given the blunt title, it may be easy to guess where Hadoula's thoughts eventually turn to, but this progression is dampened by the programmatic nature of Nathena's approach. There are numerous moments where she is lost in a dream or a memory before suddenly jerking awake, often too clearly delineating the boundaries in a film ostensibly about its main character's delusions. The society that surrounds her, too, is generally reduced to obvious types—an abusive husband, a blind priest, a drunken son-in-law—which in turn simplify the turmoil that Hadoula faces. Murderess does make good use of two key assets. The first is Karabeti, who ably shoulders the burden of depicting her character's physical and mental transformation. Already wizened yet still forceful at the outset, her committed portrayal grounds some of the more outlandish swings between self-doubt and fervor. The other is Skiathos itself, with its villages made out of layered stones and built along an extended ridge in the fog, lending an automatic sense of mystery that greatly aids in sustaining the film's mood. While Murderess is a purposefully cloistered film, the parallels with other societies at other times are immediately apparent far before its conclusion. After the final images, a title card appears, effectively explaining a specific plot point's relevance and tying it to a historical and ongoing crisis. The sudden shift in scale seems clumsy at best, especially when the set of circumstances elucidated within the film are presented in such extreme, broad strokes. Though Murderess is not without its arresting moments, the inflexibility of its approach proves to be a fatal flaw.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Laida Lertxundi

  1. Autoficción (2020)
  2. Cry When It Happens (2010)
  3. Inner Outer Space (2021)
  1. Autoficción (2020)
  2. Cry When It Happens (2010)
  3. Inner Outer Space (2021)